Assessment process January-March, 2016

Posted by Stop Ajax Mine on January 14th, 2016 3:59am

On December 3, the Community Advisory Group (CAG) met with the BC Environmental Assessment Office (BCEAO) to talk about the next steps in the environmental assessment.

*Submission of the Application by KGHM - expected during the week of January 4

*Application posted to BCEAO website - expected during the week of January 11

*75 day Public Comment Period - begins on the day that the Application is posted

* During the Public Comment Period, the public may review the Application online or in paper copies at various locations in the city, and then may make comments.

*End of January (approx) there will be a public forum.  The forum will focus on 4-6 topics, 1 topic per hour.  The BCEAO asked CAG for some suggestions for these topics - suggestions were Health (including assay results, air quality, water quality), Water, Tailings, Aberdeen Issues (social effects, water/aquifer issues, blasting vibrations, quality of life), Economic Effects, Jacko Lake, Wildlife & Grasslands.  The BCEAO will finalize the topics, and the forum will have microphones available for people to ask KGHM representatives questions about the topics.  They will receive answers from the representatives based on the studies that have been completed. The forum will be moderated and recorded.

*Mid-late February there will be  drop-in Open Houses (about 2 days worth)  with KGHM representatives at tables ready to answer questions about various topics. 

*What about the consultant reports which will be submitted from the City of Kamloops, the Kamloops Physicians for a Healthy Environment, and Kamloops Area Preservation Association, and others? These consultant reports will be posted on the BCEAO website, along with other public comments.  The Technical Working Group will look at these consultant reports and compare them with the proponent’s reports. 


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