In Response to Nancy Bepple's Column: Reduction in energy use a good investment

Posted by Stop Ajax Mine on April 26th, 2012 11:29am

Nancy Bepple wrote the following article in the Kamloops Daily News on April 23, 2012, ( encouraging us to reduce our energy use. We found this interesting considering her position in the Ajax mine, and the amount of energy they will be using at a drastically reduced rate. Our response follows:     

Dear Nancy,

Thank your for the recent article in the Kamloops News regarding the importance of energy conservation. It is vital to our community and environment to reduce usage where possible and to keep BC Hydro rates as low as possible.

It concerns me, however, that you are preaching conservation of power while supporting a business that will use more power than the entire City of Kamloops. As you know by now, Ajax Mine will use 471,946,457 kwh per year while the Kamloops residential use is estimated at 323,000,000 kwh per year. Furthermore, Ajax will be purchase the power at $0.035 per kwh, which is substantially less than it costs to supply the power. The difference is paid by the BC Hydro ratepayers through out the province of BC.

I strongly recommend that you support the residents of Kamloops and the BC Hydro ratepayers throughout the province in demanding that power subsidies to Ajax Mine be halted and that they pay the minimum of the cost to provide that power.

Thank you again in bringing forward the importance of power conservation to the residents of Kamloops.


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